Simple and powerful persist adapter to make your state leave after the application exit. It allows your atom to initiate with data from a storage, sync the updates with a storage and subscribe to a storage updates - useful for tabs synchronization.
npm i @reatom/persist-web-storage
There a re two similar types adapters for each storage: withLocalStorage
, withSessionStorage
The number of options should could control:
interface WithPersistOptions<T> {
/** parse data on init or subscription update @optional */
fromSnapshot?: Fn<[ctx: Ctx, snapshot: unknown, state?: T], T>
/** the key! */
key: string
/** migration callback which will be called if the version changed @optional */
migration?: Fn<[ctx: Ctx, persistRecord: PersistRecord], T>
/** turn on/off subscription @default true */
subscribe?: boolean
/** time to live in milliseconds @default 10 ** 10 */
time?: number
/** transform data before persisting @optional */
toSnapshot?: Fn<[ctx: Ctx, state: T], unknown>
/** version of the data which change used to trigger the migration @default 0 */
version?: number
Simple example
import { atom } from '@reatom/framework'
import { withLocalStorage } from '@reatom/persist-web-storage'
export const tokenAtom = atom('', 'tokenAtom').pipe(withLocalStorage('token'))
It is simple to test data with persist adapter as we have a special util for that: /package/testing#createmockstorage